"Chuck E. Cheese: A place where God can meet you"
I guess I never really considered the fact that God could meet me anywhere.... not until He met me at Chuck E. Cheese today.
We took the kids for some long overdue, crazy fun. They all three had an absolute blast once we got there. However, the drive was not so pleasant. I think we were all thankful for the entertainment system playing Umi Zoomi to keep them somewhat preoccupied with that and not our argument... well, to be fair it was several arguments. It was very silly, but at the time we were each pretty angry and quite justified, it's just too bad we couldn't stop being oversensitive to one another. I think the only reason we didn't keep picking at one another is simply because we had arrived at Chuck E. Cheese, so we put on our happy faces. The minute I did, I realized I'd been an oversensitive fool and we apologized to one another.
Inside we ordered and let the kids being playing games and spending coins. The cacophony of games, giggles, squeals, screams, cries, chatting and more was insane. It's a wonder anyone could hear anything specifically, but I heard Cassie yell, "Mommy, Look!" So, I supposed it was possible somehow. That's when I looked over and saw a couple coming over to let their toddler play in Toddler Town. Any other day, I probably wouldn't have noticed what happened, but today..... my heart had been opened for the purpose of noticing something. The Dad took the toddler by the arm, both smiling from ear to ear, and started walking towards the games. The Mom was standing there with the stroller and got a stern look on her face, she yelled something I couldn't understand, but it got the Dad's attention. She then proceeded to talk at him with this stern "Mommy" look on her face and the more she talked the more defeated and like he wanted to run away the Dad came to look. She pointed at the games and at the toddler. I don't know what she was saying, but I can take a pretty good educated guess. Why? Because I'm guilty and that was the point. For me to get it.
I've done it plenty of times. I guess it's just hard to not be "Mommy" to everyone in your little nest, but my husband is not one of the kids. He's my husband. It's so disrespectful to talk to him that way and I don't why women tend to do it. It looked awful and disgusting.... and to think, I've been that woman. I pray that God can help me change that. I don't EVER want to be that woman again.
I owe him a big apology and although I've apologized for stuff, I have no idea how to approach him. I'm giving it over to God, letting him read my blog post, and trying my very best to not be his mother, but to be the wife he deserves.
I loved it Mama! I guess God really did teach you something important that he wants you to share with others! :) I love you ~<3~